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Energy Engineered

Tomorrow's energy transition, today.

Global industry is planning on a tripling of electricity demand by 2050.

  • Source link - Deloitte Insights, Industry Power Outlook
  • Regardless of the many green technology announcements, we remain a fossil-fuels civilisation and the essay “Halfway between Kyoto and 2050”, demonstrates the high degree of our dependence and low probability, if not impossibility, of energising the world’s economy without any fossil carbon by 2050.

  • Fraser Institute Download
  • Vaclav Smil - Distinguished Professor Emeritus
  • "Remarkably, accumulated understanding of our climate situation has had little effect on our actions and policies. Many marketing companies tout new technologies, yet we still seem unable to seismically move together to a strategy to bring about some certainty of impact control, even if hitting the net-zero goals may now seem improbable."

    What if, through a first princples approach, there was a way to energise the world’s economy while reducing emissions?

    Integrated within Energy Performance Contracts to meet ESG targets and increase profitability.

    Alvolt Energy's innovative approach unlocks the power potential from what is already supplied, presenting the possible seismic change in energy use, to meet future requirement while maintaining competitiveness.

    Be involved in cross-sector collaboration.

    Increase power output and energy security within an Energy Performance Contract (EPC). Contact us to find out more.